Associated Student Body  Constitution

Associated Student Body 



South Tahoe High School

1735 Lake Tahoe Blvd.

South Lake Tahoe, Ca 96150 


We, the members of the Associated Student Body of South Tahoe High School, in order to create a positive learning environment, develop student leadership, encourage school spirit, promote positive student experiences and encourage success throughout our student body, do establish this constitution.


ARTICLE 1 - Name, Colors, and Alma Mater

Section 1. This organization shall be known as the Associated Student Body of South Tahoe High School.

Section 2. Its members shall be known as the South Tahoe Vikings.

Section 3. Its mascot/logo shall be the Viking.

Section 4. Its official colors shall be blue and gold.

Section 5. Its official alma mater shall be:


‘Neath the sturdy Mountain Summit,

Stands South Tahoe High.

Alma Mater Strong and Mighty,

Thee we glorify.

Blue’s for faith and Gold’s for valor,

Standards boldly fly.

Spirit, Truth in thee we honor.

Hail South Tahoe High!


ARTICLE II - Membership

Section 1.  The membership of this organization shall be composed of all the students of the high school including the Inde-ende4nt Learning Academy, the TLC, and Mt. Tallac High School who are currently enrolled and not subject to suspension, expulsion, and are in good standing.


ARTICLE III - Source of Power

Section 1. The authority of this organization is derived from the Principal of the high school, whose power, in turn, is derived from the Board of Education of the Lake Tahoe Unified School District and its representatives.  This power may be revoked or superseded at any time.  All appointed and elected members of the Student Council are subject to the approval of the principal or the Principal’s representative and or the Director of Student Activities.

ARTICLE IV - Student Council

Section 1.  All legislative and executive powers herein granted shall be vested in the Associated Student Body Executive Council of South Tahoe High School.


Section 2.  The council shall be composed of the following members:

  1. Executive Council: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Rally Commissioner(s), Director of Student Affairs (appointed by the President), Chief Justice, Historian, Public Relations Officer, and the President of each class.
  2. The Cabinet shall be composed of the Executive Council and the members of the various Class Councils.
  3. Advisor: The Principal shall appoint an Advisor to the Council.


Section 3. The Term for all Council Members shall be one year.


Section 4. The Executive Council shall have the following powers:

  1. To pass all legislation required for the best interests of the student body.
  2. To determine methods for raising a student body fund and to approve the budgeting of such a fund.
  3. To award recognition for outstanding service to South Tahoe High School.
  4. The sole power to grant charters to organizations under the student body, and to suspend or expel such organizations, with final approval resting with the Lake Tahoe Unified School District Board.
  5. The sole power to release money to organizations under the student body.
  6. To pass or amend any bylaws of this Constitution by a two-thirds vote.
  7. To assume responsibility for all student body properties.
  8. To approve all pins, emblems, sweaters, shirts, or other forms of identification of South Tahoe High School.
  9. To assume responsibility for any student body activities not placed in the hands of the principal by law.


Section 5. Meetings

  1.  The Council shall meet at a specified time, at least once a week (weather and quorum permitting).
  2. All members, including the President, have the right to vote on all measures, except the Advisor and any honorary members, who shall not have the right to vote.
  3. A member of the Council may be expelled if three meetings are missed without presenting a satisfactory excuse to the Advisor.
  4. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the voting members of the Executive Council.


Section 6. No student credited with less than one semester in South Tahoe High School (except freshman Class Officers), or with more than a total of eight terma in high school shall be eligible for a Student Council office.


Section  7. Duties of Officers

  1. The President
    1. It shall be the duty of the President to:
      1. Maintain and enforce this Constitution.
      2. Preside over all meetings of the Executive Council, the Cabinet, and the Associated Student Body.
      3. Promote constructive student spirit.
      4. Appoint successors to vacant Council Offices (except that of the Vice-President), subject to the approval of a majority of the Executive Council and the Advisor.  In the event that the office of the Vice-President becomes vacant, the President may supervise an ASB election to determine a new Vice-President.
      5. Supervise the program of each Council member.
      6. Represent the Associated Student Body at LTUSD School Board meetings.
      7. Review all by-laws to ensure they are up to date and the Council is in compliance.
      8. Appoint a Director of Student Affairs to the Executive Council to serve in capacities as the President and Advisor shall determine.
  2. The Vice-President
    1. It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to:
      1. Perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President and assume the office of the President in the case of the President’s removal from office.
      2. Manage ASB and assist the President in his/her duties.
      3. Serve as the representative to the El Dorado County Board of Education and attend their monthly meetings.
      4. Brief the various classes on their responsibilities and report on Council actions to those bodies.
  3. The ASB Secretary
    1. It shall be the duty of the ASB Secretary to:
      1. Keep a record and minutes of ASB meetings in a binder located in the ASB Office.
      2. Correspond on behalf of the Associated Student Body.
      3. Along with the President, prepare an Agenda for Executive Council meetings.
  4. The ASB Treasurer
    1. It shall be the duty of the ASB Treasurer to:
      1. Approve all expenditures authorized by the Executive Council.
      2. Create, with the ASB Bookkeeper, Financial Reports for all expenditures.
      3. Assist with ASB Finances.
      4. Assist the Advisor in preparing a budget for ASB.
  5. The Chief Justice
    1. It shall be the duty of the ASB Chief Justice to:
      1. Supervise and plan all election and nomination activities.
      2. Assure compliance with this Constitution.
      3. Act as Sergeant-at-Arms and Parliamentarian for ASB Meetings.
  6. The Rally Commissioner(s)
    1. It shall be the duty of the ASB Rally Commissioner(s) to:
      1. Promote constructive student spirit.
      2. Plan, organize and implement spirit assemblies and other presentations as directed by the Student Council.
      3. Be involved in the planning of spirit events.
  7. The Director of Student Affairs
    1. It shall be the duty of the ASB Director of Student Affairs to;
      1. Assist the President in her/his duties.
      2. Be a liaison with the South Tahoe High School Administration and report to the Executive Council on STHS Activities.
      3. Help maintain the school website and publicize school activities and concerns.
      4. Be a liaison to the various clubs and organizations at STHS and report on the same to the Executive Council.
  8. Class Officers and their duties shall be named and defined in Article V.  All appointed officers and their duties shall be named and defined in the Council By-laws.


Article V - Classes

Section 1. Each class shall elect at least 2 officers: President, Vice-President, and if needed a Secretary, and Treasurer, may be added. 


Section 2.  They shall plan and promote class programs and activities.


Section 3.  All Class Presidents shall represent their respective class on the Executive Council.


Section 4.  In the case of the absence, resignation, or disqualification of any class other than President, the President of that class shall have the power to appoint a successor or call for an election, subject to the approval of two-thirds of the class officers and the faculty sponsor or sponsors of that class.  In the case of the absence, resignation, or disqualification of any class President, the Vice-President of that class shall assume the office of Class President.


ARTICLE VI - Organizations

Section 1.  Any group of students can petition the Executive Council for a charter granting them the right to form an official organization under the student body.


Section 2.  This petition shall be in written form and shall be accompanied by the Organization’s Constitution and a list of the aims, planned activities, and prospective members of the organization.


Section 3.  This petition shall also be accompanied by the written acceptance of a faculty member to sponsor the organization.


Section 4.  The Director of Student Affairs shall present this petition to the Student Council, who shall vote either to approve or reject this petition.  A two-thirds vote of the Student Council shall be necessary for approval.  If approved by the Student Council, the organization shall be granted the charter.  In case of rejection, the Student Council shall state the reasons for its action.


Section 5.  All approved organizations must be of service to South Tahoe High School and must have a current constitution (charter) on file with the Director of Student Affairs.


Section 6.  Any student qualified to join an organization may do so.  New members will not be voted into any organization.


ARTICLE VII - Elections


Section 1.  ASB Executive Council Elections

  1. Elections for Executive and Cabinet officers shall be held at least three weeks before the end of the school year.
  2. Petitions of nomination shall be filed with the ASB Office no later than four school days before the election.
  3. Each petition shall contain the name and signature of the candidate or slate.  All candidates/slates must secure the signature of at least 50 students with membership in the Associated Student Body on this petition before they become eligible candidates.
  4. The petitioner must attest to their eligibility and verify at least 20 hours of school or community service.
  5. The official ballot shall list the names of all nominees in alphabetical or slate order.
  6. All eligible candidates for the ASB Council may appear at an ASB election assembly and deliver election speeches if they desire and if it is available.
  7. All campaign materials and speeches must be approved by the ASB Advisor prior to being used.
  8. A candidate must receive a majority of the votes cast to be declared elected.
  9. If there is no majority winner in the election, the two candidates for each office that have the largest number of votes shall run in a run-off election.
  10. All candidates, if running unopposed, must receive a majority of the ballots cast in order to win the election.
  11. Any student eligible for an appointive Council office may become a candidate upon the presentation of an application to the Executive Council.
  12. All approved candidates for an appointive office may appear before the Executive Council in an interview session to deliver statements or answer questions if the Council desires.
  13. The Executive Council, after hearing the candidates for appointive office, shall vote on the candidates for each office separately.  A majority vote shall be necessary to confirm the appointment.
  14. In the event that the offices of ASB President or Vice-President are not filled in the regular ASB elections, a separate election to fill these offices shall be held not sooner than two weeks nor later than five weeks after the beginning of the fall term. 
  15. If both of these offices are vacant at any time, the Student Council shall elect from among its members, a Chairman who shall discharge the duties of these officers until their offices are filled in a separate ASB election.


Section 2.  Class Council Elections

  1. All class council elections shall be held at least three weeks before the end of the school year, except for the Freshman Class elections, which shall be held within three weeks of the start of the school year.
  2. Petitions of nomination shall be filed with ASB not later than four school days before the election.
  3. Each petition shall contain the signature and name of the candidate or the names of the slate.  This petition must be signed by 50 students with membership in that respective class. 
  4. The petitioner(s) must attest to their eligibility and verify at least 20 hours of school or community service.
  5. The official ballot shall list the names of all candidates or slates in alphabetical order.
  6. Election assemblies need not necessarily be held for class elections.
  7. All campaign materials and speeches must be approved by the ASB Advisor prior to being used.
  8. A candidate or slate must receive a majority of the votes cast to be declared elected.
  9. The Class Council shall consist of  2-4 members of at least President, Vice-President, and possibly Secretary, and Treasurer.


Section 3.  Screening Committee (Optional)

  1. Each applicant or slate for candidacy must submit an application to the screening committee. The application must include information on the student’s academic record, school activities, and reasons for desiring to serve as a school officer. 
  2. The ASB advisor, four student council members, and two faculty members chosen by the ASB president shall serve on the selection committee. The purpose of the selection committee is to ensure that all candidates for office meet the qualifications.


Section 4.  All duly elected and appointed officers of the Associated Student Body Council of South Tahoe High School shall, at the time of their installation, make the following affirmation:


“ I do hereby solemnly affirm that I will faithfully execute the duties of my office, and will, to the best of my ability, adhere to the by-laws of the Student Council, in order to, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the Associated Student Body of South Tahoe High School.”


ARTICLE IX -  Finance


Section 1.  All funds collected from the faculty, students, or other sources for school purposes shall be deposited as soon as possible with the school financial bookkeeper or ASB Office Manager, who shall give a receipt to the depositor.


Section 2.  No ASB, Class, or organization funds shall be expended without the prior approval of the Council and the Advisor.


Section 3.  The fiscal year for the Associated Student Body of South Tahoe High School shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30.


Section 4.  The Executive Council shall adopt an annual budget estimating the revenue for the following year and showing the fund appropriated for the purposes of the ASB.  No debt shall be contracted nor money expended otherwise than as shown in the budget without the approval of the Student Council.

ARTICLE X - Amendments


Section 1. Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed by a three-fourths vote of the Executive Council or by a petition signed by 25% of all ASB Voters.  A copy of such a petition must be filed with the administration before it may be signed by voters, but does not necessarily have to have the prior approval of the administration.  Proposed amendments that are to be voted on shall be posted publicly by the Secretary for at least ten days prior to the constitutional review.


Section 2.  A three-fourths vote of the Cabinet shall be required for ratification of a constitutional amendment.  All constitutional amendments must be approved by the administration before they may become effective.


ARTICLE XI - Initiative and Referendum

Section 1.  Any eligible member of the ASB shall have the privilege of the initiative.  Any new measure or proposal, other than amendments to the ASB Constitution, may be brought to a vote of the ASB by petition of 40% of the ASB voters.  A three-fourths vote of the ASB shall be required for approval of an initiative measure.  Initiative petitions must have - administration approval.