Course Syllabus


Leadership Class

Term: 1 Term Yearlong

Grade Level(s): 10 – 12 (Except Elected Freshmen) 10 credits 

Requirements Fulfilled: HSGR, Elective

 STHS Leadership Syllabus


Instructor:  Liz Ferguson Room: SV 203 Phone: (530) 541-4111 ext. 1816

Units: 10 Elective Credits

Structure: Fall and Spring Term Class 



The mission of STHS Leadership is to increase school spirit and involvement through student representation, school-wide events, recognition, challenges, fundraisers, and celebrations.


Course Description

Leadership is a project-based course aimed at increasing students' leadership capabilities. Through the planning and execution of events for the school, daily participation in class activities, knowledge of the use of forms and procedures, goal setting, and reflection, students will discover how to best affect change in their local community. Students will read and learn about the nature and styles of leadership. Students will be challenged to learn the basics of management and how to take action on their ideas.  Additionally, students will communicate through verbal and written means frequently, critically, reflectively, and persuasively to practice the skills of leading people and organizations.



National Student Council Handbook

State of California Student Leadership Standards (CASL)


The Principles of Student Leadership


Civic & Service Learning

Personal & Social Development


Business & Finance

Technology & Digital Citizenship


Copy of Complete List of Standards link

Grading Policy

Pass = 70% or higher

No Pass = 69% or lower


Graded Work

Weekly Meetings with notes

Leadership Hours logged online 

Class Assignments

Class Projects

Daily Participation


The assessment of leadership students is multifaceted.  There are many skills we are trying to teach that don’t fit into the “traditional” grading format that students and parents may be used to. We value growth and development,  so we spend a lot of time attempting to measure improvements in character and leadership behaviors.  There is a lot of goal setting and self/peer/teacher assessment.  Students accumulate and provide evidence of their growth through goal setting, activities, collaboration, reflection, online logs, meeting agendas, project proposals, action plans, and feedback.  We use rubrics, points, emoticons, and words to encourage their best efforts and participation in the course.  Feedback is provided through the AERIES gradebook.  This can be in the form of words and numbers.

Ex: Excellent = 100%, Good = 85%, Fair = 75%, Poor = 50%.  

  • If a student receives an F in the first term, they will be asked to drop the leadership course for the second term. 


Required Materials

To be brought to class each period:

  • An organizational system for handouts, daily participation, meeting agendas, project proposals, notes, etc….
  • Evidence of participation in the form of Meeting agendas, action steps, meeting notes, online logging, bi-weekly reports, etc...
  • Chromebook/Computer
  • Pen/Pencil and paper


Leadership Outside Hours Requirement 

THERE IS A LOT OF HOMEWORK FOR THIS CLASS!!  Students are required to participate in activities outside of class time.  Students are required to have evidence of service and log 15 hours in an online document for their service grade.


Qualifying Hours

Event Set-Up 

Evidence = Check-in and out with a sign in

Fill in online log (link in Canvas)

Event Clean Up  

Evidence = Check-in and out with a sign in

Fill in online log (link in Canvas)

Project Management - Evidence of work on project OUTSIDE of the class time.  

Evidence = Meeting agendas, notes, Project Proposals, action lists, commercials, etc…

Fill in online log (link in Canvas)

Attending Outside Meetings as a Representative

Evidence = Meeting agendas, notes, reports

Fill in online log (link in Canvas)

Lunchtime activities

Evidence = sign up sheets

Fill in online log (link in google classroom)




Many projects are happening simultaneously in the class environment.  Your attendance is crucial and mandatory.  If you have a planned excused absence (i.e. sports) you must tell me in writing prior to your absence by filling out an “absence request form” located in Canvas on the assignment for participation. You need to delegate any responsibilities to other students who will be there.  When you return, it is your responsibility to check in with any team/committee you are responsible for to determine what was missed during class and make arrangements to do the tasks or assignments immediately. When you are sick or have another type of emergency situation, communicate with your team/committee, and myself, as soon as possible and make up all work immediately upon your return.  

Behavior Expectations:

In my class, I expect… You are ready to learn, attend class, and turn in assignments when they are due. If you are absent, follow along in Canvas and turn in the assignment due by the end of the day. Please respect all students in the class. Please read the list below.


Behavior Expectations

Represent STHS with respect, class, and as a role model

    • Assume responsibility for your behavior and your choices.
    • MODEL leadership by participating fully in the class assignments, experiences and expectations.
    • Leave phones in a backpack for the entire class session.  This includes bathroom breaks.
    • Ask relevant and provocative questions.
    • Participate in discussions and activities.
    • Listen attentively and actively to lecture, videos, your teacher, your peers, your school.
    • Be prepared with materials and state of mind.
    • Food is allowed for the first 10 minutes.  After that please throw away any garbage for the remaining class time.
    • Drink water only.
    • Be on time and leave at the dismissal time.
    • Complete assignments on time.  Communicate with your teacher if there is a problem.
  • Follow classroom norms.


Include this link to the Student Code of Conduct (2022-2023) - also found in the STHS Staff Essentials Google Drive

Board Policies:

Here are summaries of important board policies concerning makeup work, excused absences, and independent study.  To access the full text of all LTUSD Board Policies and Academic Regulations, please click here: School Board Policy Manual

  • Makeup Work for Excused Absences:  the student will receive full credit for assignments/assessments missed during excused absences if completed during the designated makeup time.  The designated makeup time includes 2 days for the first excused absence and 1 day for each additional excused absence.  For example, if a student is absent on Monday, they must submit missing work by Wednesday to receive full credit.  Aeries excused absence codes:  X, V, W, D & S. (BP 5121; AR 5113; AR 5113.1; BP 6154)

    • Independent Study (for 3-15 days of excused absences):  Students must apply for IS a minimum of five days before their absence.  Students are expected to receive their work prior to leaving or access their work online during their absence.  For full credit, students are required to turn in their work the day they return to class.  Aeries absence code:  Z (BP 5121)

  • Electronic Devices:  Mobile communication devices shall be turned off (or put away) during instructional time, except: during emergencies; with specific teacher/admin permission; if needed for medical reasons; or if included in IEP/504 plan (BP 5131.8)


Important highlights from our Student Code of Conduct:

  • STHS Academic Integrity (Scholastic Dishonesty) Policy “Teachers will assign discipline for instances of cheating on homework and tests. Instances of plagiarism, including using published or intellectual property, including internet works not belonging to the student, may result in referral for disciplinary action.”  Please note:  without explicit permission, inappropriate use of AI to complete assignments is considered to be scholastic dishonesty.
  • First Offense:  0% on assignment/assessment or allow resubmission per teacher discretion; Referral in Aeries; Parent contact (phone call/email) by teacher
  • Second Offense:  0% on assignment/assessment or allow resubmission per teacher discretion; Referral in Aeries; Parent contact (phone/email) by an administrator; Student conference with a counselor (and administrator if needed); Academic integrity lesson assigned by a counselor, to be completed outside of school day and reviewed with counselor
  • Third Offense: The student will meet with an academic integrity panel composed of a counselor(s) and administrators; the Panel will determine if the student fails the semester

STHS Electronic Device Policy “Cell phones, wearable technology (i.e. smart watches), and earbuds must not be visible or used during ALL classes, including bathroom breaks.  STHS students may use cell phones or electronic devices before or after school, during lunch, break, and passing periods.”

  • First Offense:  warning and reminder to the student to turn OFF and put AWAY
  • Second Offense: The device is confiscated and held in the office for the remainder of the day
  • Third Offense: The device is confiscated for the remainder of the day and held in the office for parent/guardian pick-up; possible additional consequences include detention, OCR, office check-in/check-out


Please Sign First and Last Name____________________________Date________

Course Summary:

Date Details Due